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Seline & GDPR

This statement is not intended to serve as legal advice. Please consult with your legal advisor to determine how GDPR applies to your online business.


Seline is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our users' data. As a provider of an analytics tool, we understand the importance of handling data responsibly and ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This statement outlines our practices and commitments in relation to data protection and privacy.

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), enacted by the European Union (EU) on May 25, 2018, requires organizations to safeguard personal data and uphold the privacy rights of anyone in European Union (EU) territory.

Does GDPR apply to you?

If your business operates within the European Union (EU), or you handle the personal data of individuals in the EU, you are affected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Is Seline GDPR compliant?

Yes, Seline is legally based in Poland (EU), hosted in Germany (EU), and complies with the GDPR framework.

Seline as a Data Controller

Seline serves as a Data Controller in its relationship with customers, managing the personal information provided for using our service (like registration information, such as email). Seline does not sell personal data to third parties, nor does it use such data for marketing or advertising purposes.

We use as minimal amount of sub-processors as possible. Here is the full list:

ServiceUseGDPR compliance
StripePayment processorLearn more
PostmarkTransactional emailsLearn more

Seline as a Data processor

When configured with default settings, Seline does not store any private information about our clients' website visitors.

Data we store for each visitor:

🔒 Unique hashCalculated using the following hash function hash(domain, ipAddress, userAgent, dailySalt). Daily salts are unique to each domain, and are renewed daily. This allows us to calculate daily unique visits count without storing cookies. Learn more at our privacy statement.
🏳️ CountryTaken from Cloudflare CF-IPCountry headers. We do not use IP adresses for any sort of lookups and we never store them in our databases.
🖥️ User agentWe only parse visitor's browser, operating system and device type information, without storing the full string.
🔗 HTTP ReferrerWe store the referrer website, if available.
🏷️ UTM sourcesWe store all the UTM tracking data, if available.
👀 Page viewsWe track all visitors' page views.

Seline's clients can also fill their visitors' profiles with custom data, such as name, email, address, IP address, and other sensitive information. In this case Seline acts as a Data Processor, and our clients are responsible to their visitors for what personal data they share with us. Seline processes and stores this data in a fully secure manner and does not share it with any third-party services.

We provide clients with full control over all the data they send us. They can view and delete everything using Seline's interface within the application or by requesting our assistance. Deleted data is also removed from our backups after 30 days.

We do not sell or share visitors' data, whether sensitive or public, with any third parties.

Cookie Policy

We do not set cookies to our clients' visitors' browsers. This means there is no need for any third-party cookie consents. Learn more at our privacy statement.

Do you have any questions left?

Contact us at:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +48 571 020592