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Independent, small, simple

Seline is an opinionated analytics platform bootstrapped by a tiny team in Poland. With a broad experience in the software industry, from working at startups (incl. one from YC W17 batch) to outsourcing for large companies, we are independent by choice.
Kostya Nesterovich
Design, Tech
Misha Slizenko
Maxwell Timothy
Xenia Deyko

Every website and product should have at least some analytics in place. Analytics is where you look to see how your marketing is doing. It helps you spot flaws in your funnels. It's your guide for making your next move. That’s why analytics has to be intuitive and fast, and should not interrupt your flow every time you take a peek at it.

Believe it or not, no tool available today hits that spot for us - they're either too simple, too bloated, or too slow.

Sketching out Seline. Alps, Feb 2024.

So we went ahead and built Seline, a tool we always wanted to use ourselves. We've cherry-picked the essentials and packed them into a minimalistic and easy to use platform. Seline does the job right out of the box, taking only a couple of minutes to install and configure. You can read more about "why Seline" and our ideas behind it in this blog post.

We are on a journey to make Seline the best simple analytics out there. And we hope you’ll enjoy Seline as much as we do.