Custom events

Use the track() method to send a custom event. Events are perfect for building a complete picture of how your visitors interact with your pages. Available both on client and server.

Client-side example.

seline.track("user: signed up");
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When sending events from the server, you need to specify the unique user ID that was previously set up via profiles.

userId: "unique-user-id",
event: "user: signed up",
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We recommend using short event names of a following structure object: action. Examples: user: signed up, project: name updated, item: added to card.

You can also send custom properties with each event; you'll see those later in the event details.

seline.track("user: subscribed", {
price: 100,
tier: 'large',
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Using html data attributes

You can also send events by adding a data-sln-event data-attribute to any HTML element. Seline will track a custom event once the onClick event happens. This is useful for tracking clicks on buttons, links, forms or inputs.

<button data-sln-event="user: clicked button">Click me</button>
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Note that you can also add a data-sln-event-your property name attribute to send dynamic properties with the event. In this example it's data-sln-event-price.

<button data-sln-event="pricing plan: selected" data-sln-event-price="49">Subscribe</button>
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You can also use the data-sln-event attribute on links to track outbound link clicks.

Same applies to forms. You can track form submissions by adding a data-sln-event attribute to the form element. Seline will automatically track the form submission event and include all form fields in the event properties.

<form data-sln-event="user: submitted contact us form">
<input type="text" name="email" />
<input type="text" name="name" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
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In this example Seline will send an event with the name user: submitted form and { email: '...', name: '...' } properties.

We skip fields with empty values and type=password.

In case you have any issues with custom events tracking, to us. Also, our tracking code is open-source, and you can find it on Github. You are welcome to suggest any changes you may find useful.