Install Seline

Put the HTML script below in the <head> section of your website. Make sure to have it on every page. And don't remove async property, so your website loads without having to wait for the script.

<script src="" async></script>
Click anywhere to copy

Then go to your website and click around a few pages. These views will count as your first events and you'll see them right on the dashboard. That's it.

All page views are tracked automatically by default.


Our script can be further customized using the following options, which can be applied via data attributes.


Token is required when tracking subdomains or multiple domains. You can find your project token in the project settings.

<script data-token="PROJECT_TOKEN" src="" async></script>
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By default, we track all page views automatically. But if you want manual tracking with, you can set autoPageView to false.

<script data-auto-page-view="false" src="" async></script>
Click anywhere to copy


Specify an array of pages or patterns you don't want to be tracked. These can be exact paths, such as /about or /how-it-works, or patterns with a wildcard *, such as /blog/* or /projects/*/visitors/*.

<script data-skip-patterns="['/about', '/blog/*']" src="" async></script>
Click anywhere to copy


Specify an array of pages or patterns you want to mask. This works similarly to skipPatterns, but instead of skipping routes, it masks them and tracks the masked value. Ideal if you want to mask routes with private IDs, like /customer/*/order/*.

<script data-mask-patterns="['/customer/*/order/*']" src="" async></script>
Click anywhere to copy


If you're using setUser to track your authorized users, you can set cookieOnIdentify to true to automatically set an ID to visitor's browser as a first-party cookie when you identify them. This ID will be used to track the user's activity across different sessions.

This setting is false by default, and identifying users is optional. If you identify your authorized users with setUser(), tracking them without a cookie will still work, however it might not be that smooth depending on your setup.

<script data-cookie-on-identify="true" src="" async></script>
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If you set autoPageView to false, you can manually track current page views.;
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Track custom events using seline.track(). You can pass event name and custom properties.

seline.track('Order completed', {
delivery: 'DHL',
total: 99.99
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If you loaded the script with autoPageView set to false you can enable it with seline.enableAutoPageView().

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Populates visitors with custom data and creates a profile. Great for tracking your authorized users. Read more about it at our profiles page.

userId: "unique-user-id", // userId is a required field
plan: "enterprise",
credits: 140,
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