Our metrics and their definitions


We define both Page Views and Custom Events as an Event.


A Visit is a group of Page Views where the time between any subsequent Page Views is no longer than 10 minutes. A Visit can include just one Page View. If the Visitor left their browser tab with your website and came back after 40 minutes, this would count as a new Visit.

Unique Visitors

The total number of Visitors to your website, no matter if they had multiple Visits or just one. We determine if a Visitor is unique by using a hash generated from the following parameters: hash(domain, ipAddress, userAgent, dailySalt). This means that if someone visits your website from a different device or a different IP address, we will count them as a new Visitor.

Total Visits

The total number of Visits that occurred within a specified time range. One visitor can have multiple Visits to your website, meaning this number is always greater than the count of Unique Visitors.

Views per Visit

The average number of Page Views tracked across all Visits.

Visit Duration

The average duration of all Visits, calculated as the difference between the time of the first Visit Event and the last. We only calculate the duration if the Visit includes more than two Events; otherwise, the Visit is excluded from this calculation.

Bounce Rate

A Bounce is a Visit that contains only one Page View, indicating that the Visitor left after viewing that single page. The Bounce Rate is then calculated as the proportion of Bounced Visits count to Total Visits count.