JavaScript package
We have a @seline-analytics/web library built on top of seline.js script. It tracks page views automatically, even with single page applications (like React or Vue).
You should either add our script or install Seline via our JavaScript package, but not both.
Install @seline-analytics/web using your package manager.
npm i @seline-analytics/web
Then initialize it in your code.
import * as seline from '@seline-analytics/web';seline.init();
Initializes Seline. No tracking happens before this method is called.
seline.init({// Token is *required* when tracking subdomains or multiple domains.token: 'PROJECT TOKEN';// By default, we track all page views automatically.// But if you want manual tracking with, you can set autoPageView to false.autoPageView: false;// Skip tracking of provided pages, wildcard * is supportedskipPatterns: ['/about', '/blog/*'];// Mask parts of pages that match provided patterns, wildcard * is supportedmaskPatterns: ['/customer/*/order/*'];// Set to true to automatically set an ID to visitor's browser local storage when you identify them.cookieOnIdentify: true;});
init() options:
token IMPORTANT - Token is required when tracking subdomains or multiple domains. You can find your project token in the project settings.
autoPageView - Set to true by default. But if you want manual tracking with, you can set autoPageView to false.
skipPatterns - Specify an array of pages or patterns you don't want to be tracked. These can be exact paths, such as /about or /how-it-works, or patterns with a wildcard *, such as /blog/* or /projects/*/visitors/*.
maskPatterns - Specify an array of pages or patterns you want to mask. This works similarly to skipPatterns, but instead of skipping routes, it masks them and tracks the masked value. Ideal if you want to mask routes with private IDs, like /customer/*/order/*.
cookieOnIdentify - Set to false by default. If you're using setUser to track your authorized users, you can set cookieOnIdentify to true to automatically set an ID to visitor's browser local storage when you identify them. This ID will be used to track the user's activity across different sessions.
If you set autoPageView to false, you can manually track current page views.;
Track custom events using seline.track(). You can pass event name and custom properties.
seline.track('Order completed', {delivery: 'DHL',total: 99.99});
If you loaded the script with autoPageView set to false you can enable it with seline.enableAutoPageView().
Populates visitors with custom data and creates a profile. Great for tracking your authorized users. Read more about it at our profiles page.
seline.setUser({userId: "unique-user-id", // userId is a required fieldplan: "enterprise",credits: 140,});